Recording Tradition

YEU Cyprus partnered with seven other NGOs from all over Europe, to realize the “Recording Tradition” Youth Exchange. A diverse group of 40 young people, who all came together in Dymes village from the 18th until the 29th of October, explored the concept of tradition through the art of storytelling and video making. The methods used during the YE were based on Non-Formal Education and Experiential Learning. 

This project aimed to cultivate historical empathy and pay homage to ‘endangered’ or forgotten traditions around Europe. The main goal was to allow youngsters from European countries to become aware of the traditions of their countries and be introduced to traditions from other countries that have started to die out while exploring and practicing the art of storytelling through photography and video-making. 

The activities included:  a workshop on shadow theater carried out by an expert, visits to local folk centers, museums, and youth clubs in Kyperounda, Agros and Dymes,  workshops on exploring and practicing storytelling through various forms, workshops on photography, filming and video editing, website creation, collection of oral history and creation of short videos as the final product of the project based on the previous activities and the gain gathered through them.


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