Mission: Tradition

Hosting Organisation: YEU Cyprus

Sending Organisations:

  • Associazione Inco Interculturalita & Comunicazione (italy) 
  • Trendum,o.p.s (Czech Republic) 
  • D’ANTILLES ET D’AILLEURS (Martinique, France) 
  • Asociatia Voluntariat Pentru Viata (Romania) 

Duration: 01/05/2019 – 30/04/2020 

Mission: Tradition was a European Solidarity Corps project run by eight young and passionate volunteers· from Italy, the Czech Republic, Romania, North Macedonia, Martinique (France), and Spain. The project lasted for 12 months and was coordinated by YEU Cyprus.  

The main aim of the project was to encourage young people to believe in themselves and improve their artistic and interpersonal skills by exploring, experiencing, recording and interacting with the traditions and culture of Cyprus. The volunteers organised events and workshops to involve more people in their journey of exploring the Cypriot tradition and managed to raise awareness regarding traditions that are slowly fading. During the project Mission: Tradition the volunteers and the locals had the opportunity to explore how all communities living on the island have contributed to creating and preserving the country’s traditional heritage. Mission: Tradition was not only beneficial for the locals who participated in the events and followed the project’s social media, but was also very rewarding for the volunteers, as they felt that their work was meaningful and important.

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