Address the Elephant

The ‘Address the Elephant’ project was implemented during the 16th to 20th of November 2020, of which included a series of workshops & a public intervention.  It was selected amongst others,  to be part of Global Education Week 2020. 

Its overall aim was to creatively campaign awareness towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and encourage active citizenship amongst the Cypriot community as a whole but to also reach out to international participants.  The activities included a series of online workshops that touched upon several SDGs, followed by an immersive action in a public space using an elephant mask as a prop, and by creating moving experiences that prompt people to rethink how we look at reality, studying simultaneously the values in our local community.  

Drawing from the culture and it’s lack of actual awareness on the 17 SDGs, the aim was to make a visual impact and plant the seeds for recreating behaviors and sustaining lasting change. Specifically, the workshops aimed to enhance collective knowledge regarding SDG’s, their importance, and long-term implementation.  Additionally, the goal was to empower young people in Cyprus and abroad to engage in issues from a local to a global perspective, promoting creativity, innovation, and commitment to peace, human rights and sustainable development, using Non-Formal Education and experiential learning.  Furthermore, the action of the Public Intervention sought to trigger curiosity to initiate learning and self-reflection through artistic activism that is used as a tool for critical thinking.

Project results: 
Elephant in the room 

The project was funded by the Council of Europe

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