Youth Exchange
Pedoulas, Cyprus 01/09-07/09 - 2022


The Youth Exchange aimed to create a common space to reflect on visible and invisible borders between communities that divide societies mentally and/or geographically in Europe. To do so, we brought youth together from various backgrounds and facilitated cooperation by creating experiences on a non-related topic which was environmental sustainability. 


Forty-one young people joined the youth exchange. The group was very diverse with participants coming from rural areas, different ethnic communities, and cultural backgrounds. Some had videography/photography and social media skills, while others had experience in intercultural education. There were also some young people who were actively involved in environmental initiatives.

Learning Outcomes

All activities were learner-centered and based on non-formal education. This allowed the participants to acquire new skills, learn, share ideas, and respect multiculturalism. By the end of the project, the group learnt more about eco-activism, green-entrepreunership, and the 4 R’s. They also developed their intercultural skills, explored and talked about differences and similarities in their cultures. By the end of the project a manual has been created 

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